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Issue 107 (Sept-Oct 2023)
Issue 107 (Sept-Oct 2023)
Item#: #107

Table of Contents of This Issue
  • Champagne Ployez-Jacquemart- One Of the Region’s Hidden Small Gems On the Montagne de Reims.
  • The Annual Report On the Beautiful Wines Of Italy- New Releases and Plenty Of Older Wines.
  • An Interview With Robert Drouhin- One Of Burgundy’s Most Influential Statesmen.
  • Recently-Tasted Rhône Valley Wines- The First Of the 2021s and 2022s, As Well As Plenty Of Progress Reports On Mature Wines.
  • Round Two From the Loire Valley, To Accommodate A Few New Arrivals.
  • Notes On a More New Releases and Mature Wines From the Neo-Classical Camp Of American Wines.
  • Long Covid and View From the Cellar.