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Issue 108 (Nov-Dec 2023)
Issue 108 (Nov-Dec 2023)
Item#: #108

Table of Contents of This Issue
  • Walking In Musigny- An Historical Exploration Of One Of Burgundy’s Greatest Terroirs.
  • The Gorgeous 2022 Vintage In Beaujolais- Out Of the Blocks, My Favorite Vintage In the Region Since the Superb 2011s.
  • The Annual Bordeaux Report- Recently-Tasted Wines- From 2020 Back To the Gorgeous 1959 Vintage.
  • Recently-Tasted Champagne- Current Releases From Vincent Laval, Guillaume Selosse, Agnès Corbon, Raphaël Bérêche, Fabrice Gass, Bollinger, Alfred Gratien, Ayala, Taittinger and A Host Of Others.